
Academic YearNo of StudentsLink
S.NoName Of The ActivityLink
1.1.1.Additional information
1.2.1Links for any other relevant document to support the claim
List of students and the attendance sheet
Links for any other relevant document to support the claim
Institutional programme brochure/notice for Certificate/Value added programs with course modules and outcomes
Evidence of course completion, like course completion certificate etc
Other Files
1.2.2supporting document
1.3.1Additional information
1.3.2supporting document
1.4.1Provide Links for any other relevant document to support the claim (if any)
Link of institution’s website where comprehensive feedback, its analytics and action taken report are hosted
Feedback analysis report submitted to appropriate bodies
At least 4 filled-in feedback form from different stake holders like Students, Teachers, Employers, Alumni etc.
Action taken report on the feedback analysis
  • Links for any other relevant document to support the claim Copy of communication issued by state govt. or Central GovernmentFinal admission list indicating the category Click Here>>
  • 2.3.1 Additional information Click Here>>
  • 2.4.1 Sanction letters Links for any other relevant document to support the claim Click Here>>
  • 2.4.2 Links for any other relevant document to support the claim List of faculties having Ph. D. / D.Sc. / D.Litt./ L.L.D along with  Click Here>>
  • 2.5.1 Additional information Click Here>>
  • 2.6.1 Additional information Click Here>>
  • 2.6.2 Additional information Click Here>>
  • 2.6.3 Links for any other relevant document to support the claim Certified report from Controller Examination Annual report of controller of Examinations
    Click Here>>
S.NoName Of The ActivityLink
2.1.1Links for any other relevant document to support the claim
Final admission list as published by the HEI and endorsed by the competent authority
Document related to sanction of intake from affiliating University/ Government/statutory body for first year’s students only.
2.1.2Links for any other relevant document to support the claim (
Final admission list indicating the category as published by the HEI and endorsed by the competent authority.
Copy of communication issued by state govt. or Central Government indicating the reserved categories(SC,ST,OBC,Divyangjan,etc.) to be considered as per the state rule ( Translated copy in English to be provided as applicable)
2.3.1Additional information
2.4.1Sanction letters indicating number of posts sanctioned by the competent authority (including Management sanctioned posts)
2.4.2List of faculties having Ph. D. / D.Sc. / D.Litt./ L.L.D along with particulars of degree awarding university, subject and the year of award per academic year.
Copies of Ph.D./D.Sc / D.Litt./ L.L.D awareded by UGC recognized universities
2.5.1Additional information
2.6.1Additional information
2.6.2Additional information
2.6.3Links for any other relevant document to support the claim
Certified report from Controller Examination of the affiliating university indicating pass percentage of students of the final year (final semester) eligible for the degree programwise / year-wise.
Annual report of controller of Examinations(COE) highlighting the pass percentage of final year students

3.3.1 Links for any other relevant document to support the claimLink to the uploaded papers, the first page/full paper Link to redirecting to journal source-cite website in case of digital Journals Links to the papers published in journals listed in UGC CARE list Click Here>>

3.3.2 Links for any other relevant document to support the claim List of chapter/book along with the links Copy of the Cover page, content page and first page of the publication indicating ISBN number Click Here>>

3.4.1  Additional information Click Here>>

3.4.2  Additional information Click Here>>

3.4.3 Links for any other relevant document to support the claim Photographs and any other supporting document of relevance Detailed report for each extension and outreach program Click Here>>

3.5.1 Summary of the functional MoUs/linkage/collaboration Links for any other relevant document to support the claim List of year wise activities and exchange List and Copies of documents indicating the functional MoUs/linkage/collaborations Click Here>>

S.NoName Of The ActivityLink
3.1.1supporting document
3.2.1Additional information
Link for Additional information
3.2.2Upload supporting document
3.3.1Links for any other relevant document to support the claim
Link to the uploaded papers, the first page/full paper(with author and affiliation details)on the institutional website
ink to re-directing to journal source-cite website in case of digital journals
Links to the papers published in journals listed in UGC CARE list or
3.3.2Links for any other relevant document to support the claim
List of chapter/book along with the links redirecting to the source website
Copy of the Cover page, content page and first page of the publication indicating ISBN number and year of publication for books/chapters
3.4.1Additional information
3.4.2Additional information
3.4.3Links for any other relevant document to support the claim
Photographs and any other supporting document of relevance should have proper captions and dates.
Detailed report for each extension and outreach program to be made available, with specific mention of number of students participated and the details of the collaborating agency
3.5.1Summary of the functional MoUs/linkage/collaboration indicating start date, end date, nature of collaboration etc.
Links for any other relevant document to support the claim
List of year wise activities and exchange should be provided
List and Copies of documents indicating the functional MoUs/linkage/collaborations activity-wise and year-wise

4.1.1 Additional information Click Here>>

4.1.2 Links for any other relevant document to support the claim Audited income and expenditure statement of the institution to be signed by CA for and counter signed by the competent authority Click Here>>

4.2.1 Additional information Click Here>>

4.3.1 Additional information Click Here>>

4.3.2 Purchased Bills/Copies Links for any other relevant document to support the claim Extracts stock register Click Here>>

4.4.1 Links for any other relevant document to support the claim Audited income and expenditure statement of the institution
Click Here>>

S.NoName Of The ActivityLink
4.1.1Additional information
Link for Additional information
Provide Links for any other relevant document to support the claim
Audited income and expenditure statement of the institution to be signed by CA for and counter signed by the competent authority (relevant expenditure claimed for infrastructure augmentation should be clearly highlighted)
4.2.1Additional information
Link for Additional information
4.3.1Additional information
Link for Additional information
4.3.2Purchased Bills/Copies highlighting the number of computers purchased
Links for any other relevant document to support the claim
Extracts stock register/ highlighting the computers issued to respective departments for student’s usage.
Additional information
4.4.1Links for any other relevant document to support the claim
Audited income and expenditure statement of the institution to be signed by CA for and counter signed by the competent authority (relevant expenditure claimed for maintenance of infrastructure should be clearly highlighted)

5.1.1 Year-wise list of beneficiary students Sanction letter of scholarship and free ships Policy document of the HEI Links for any other relevant document to support the claim Click Here>>

5.1.2 Report with photographs on Programmes /activities Report with photographs on ICT/computing skills enhancement Programs Links for any other relevant document to support the claim Click Here>>

5.1.3 Supporting document Click Here>>

5.1.4 Links for any other relevant document to support the claim Proof w.r.t Organization wide awareness and undertakings on policies Proof related to Mechanisms for submission of online/offline students’ grievances Proof for Implementation of guidelines of statutory/regulatory Bodies Details of statutory/regulatory Committees Annual report of the committee motioning the activities Click Here>>

5.2.1 Links for any other relevant document to support the claim Number and List of students placed along with placement details List of students progressing for Higher Education Click Here>>

5.2.2 Links for any other relevant document to support the claim List of students qualified year wise under each category Click Here>>

5.3.1 supporting document Links for any other relevant document to support the claim list and links to e-copies of award letters and certificates Click Here>>

5.3.2 supporting document Click Here>>

5.4.1 Additional information Click Here>>

S.NoName Of The ActivityLink
5.1.1Year-wise list of beneficiary students in each scheme duly
signed by the competent authority.
Upload Sanction letter of scholarship and free ships (along
with English translated version if it is in regional language).
Upload policy document of the HEI for award of scholarship
and freeships.
Provide Links for any other relevant document to support the
claim (if any)
Institutional data in the prescribed format
5.1.2Report with photographs on Programmes /activities conducted
to enhance soft skills, Language and communication skills,
and Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene,
self-employment and entrepreneurial skills)
Report with photographs on ICT/computing skills
enhancement programs
Provide Links for any other relevant document to support the
claim(if any)
Institutional data in the prescribed format
5.1.3Upload supporting Document
Institutional data in the prescribed format
5.1.4Provide Links for any other relevant document to
support the claim(if any)
Proof w.r.t Organisation wide awareness and undertakings on policies with zero tolerance
Proof related to Mechanisms for submission of
online/offline students’ grievances
Proof for Implementation of guidelines of
statutory/regulatory bodies
Details of statutory/regulatory Committees (to be
notified in institutional website also)
Annual report of the committee motioning the
activities and number of grievances redressed to
prove timely redressal of the grievances
5.2.1Provide Links for any other relevant document to
support the claim(if any)

Supporting Docs:
Number and List of students placed along with
placement details such as name of the company,
compensation, etc and links to Placement
order(the above list should be available on
institutional website)
List of students progressing for Higher Education,
with details of program and institution that they
are/have enrolled along with links to proof of
continuation in higher education.(the above list
should be available on institutional website)
Institutional data in the prescribed format Placement Data Template :

Higher Education Data Template :
5.2.2Provide Links for any other relevant document to support the
claim(if any)
List of students qualified year wise under each category and
links to Qualifying Certificates of the students taking the
Institutional data in the prescribed format
5.3.1Upload supporting documentBelow 5 MB :
Provide Links for any other relevant document to support the
claim(if any)
Institutional data in the prescribed format
5.3.2Upload supporting document
Institutional data in the prescribed format
5.4.1Upload additional informationALUMNI REISTRATION:
Provide Links for additional informationDATA TEMPLATE:

6.1.1 Additional information Click Here>>

6.2.1 Additional information Click Here>>

6.2.2 Screen shots of user interfaces of each module Links for any other relevant document to support the claim Institutional expenditure statements for the budget heads Annual e-governance report approved by the Governing Council/Board of Management/ Syndicate Policy document on e-governance Click Here>>

6.3.1 Additional information Click Here>>

6.3.2 Links for any other relevant document to support the claim Policy document on providing financial support to teachers Copy of letter/s indicating financial assistance to teachers Audited statement of account highlighting the financial support to Teachers

Click Here>>

6.3.3 Refresher course/Faculty Orientation or other programmes Links for any other relevant document to support the claim Copy of the certificates of the program attended by teachers Annual reports highlighting the programmes undertaken by the Teachers

Click Here>>

6.4.1 Additional information Click Here>>

6.5.2 Quality audit reports/certificate Links for any other relevant document to support the claim NIRF report, AAA report and details on follow up actions List of Collaborative quality initiatives with other institution(s) Link to Minute of IQAC meetings, hosted on HEI website Click Here>>

S.NoName Of The ActivityLink
6.1.1Additional information
6.2.1Additional information
6.2.2Screen shots of user interfaces of each module reflecting the name of the HEI
Links for any other relevant document to support the claim
Institutional expenditure statements for the budget heads of e-governance implementation ERP Document
Annual e-governance report approved by the Governing Council/ Board of Management/ Syndicate Policy document on e-governance
6.3.1Additional information
6.3.2Links for any other relevant document to support the claim
Policy document on providing financial support to teachers
Copy of letter/s indicating financial assistance to teachers and list of teachers receiving financial support year-wise under each head.
Audited statement of account highlighting the financial support to teachers to attend conferences / workshop s and towards membership fee for professional bodies
6.3.3Refresher course/Faculty Orientation or other programmes as per UGC/AICTE stipulated periods, as participated by teachers year-wise
Copy of the certificates of the program attended by teachers.
Annual reports highlighting the programmes undertaken by the teachers
6.4.1Additional information
6.5.1Additional information
6.5.2Quality audit reports/certificate as applicable and valid for the assessment period.
NIRF report, AAA report and details on follow up actions
List of Collaborative quality initiatives with other institution(s) along with brochures and geo-tagged photos with caption and date.
Link to Minute of IQAC meetings, hosted on HEI website

7.1.1 Additional information Click Here>>

7.1.2 Links for any other relevant document to support the claim Policy document on the green campus/plastic free campus. Geo-tagged photographs/videos of the facilities. Circulars and report of activities for the implementation of the initiatives document Bills for the purchase of equipment’s Click Here>>

7.1.3 Report on Environmental Promotional activities Links for any other relevant document to support the claim Policy document on environment and energy usage Certificate Green audit/environmental audit report from recognized bodies Certificates of the awards received from recognized agency Click Here>>

7.1.4 Additional information Click Here>>

7.2.1 Best practices as hosted on the Institutional website Any other relevant information Click Here>>

7.3.1 Appropriate web in the Institutional website Any other relevant information Click Here>>

S.NoName Of The ActivityLink
7.1.1links for
additional information
7.1.2Links for any other relevant document to support the claim
Policy document on the green campus/plastic free campus.
Geo-tagged photographs/videos of the facilities.
Circulars and report of activities for the implementation of the initiatives document
Bills for the purchase of equipment’s for the facilities created under this metric
7.1.3Provide Links for any other relevant document to support the claim (if any)
Links for any other relevant document to support the claim
Policy document on environment and energy usage Certificate from the auditing agency
Green audit/environmental audit report from recognized bodies
Certificates of the awards received from recognized agency (if any).
7.1.4provide links for
additional information
7.2.1Any other relevant information
7.3.1Any other relevant information

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University of Education

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