Grievance Redressal

Grievance Monitoring and Redressal System (GMRS) is the feedback/ grievance management portal of Sir MVIT that facilitates stakeholders of the Institute to (a) upload their feedback about the Institute; (b) register grievances and (c) monitor the disposal of grievances. Any stakeholder of the Institute such as a student, faculty, alumni, employer or a parent, can raise Feedback/ grievance

While the feedback helps in knowing the positives, the grievance helps in addressing the shortcomings or limitations of the Institute. Collectively, the feedback and the grievance monitoring helps in improving the quality of education, thereby addressing the needs of the stakeholders.

Feedback and Grievance Workflow

The workflow begins with the stakeholders of the Institute using the Sir MVIT Website ( as the entry point to enter their feedback/ grievance details. Once a stakeholder enters their feedback, the feedback is stored in a repository. The administrator of the GMRS portal can view the received feedbacks, validate them, and send the feedback to BOS, VTU for subsequent perusal on a need basis.

Ragging, harassment, transport, infrastructure, minority, SC/ST/OBC-related issues, women-centric issues are some types of grievances that can be lodged by the stakeholders of Sir MVIT and tracked in the GMRS portal. Each stakeholder first registers with the portal and subsequently logins to the portal via email OTP authentication to lodge their grievances.

The lodged grievances are transferred to their respective committees, formed at the Institute, for subsequent addressing. The committee members can track and update the status of the grievances. Furthermore, the committee members can escalate the grievances to the Principal and Management at Sir MVIT, on a need basis.

The administrator of the GMRS portal can generate and view feedback/ grievance reports periodically in the form of monthly and annual reports.

Overall, the feedback/ grievance workflow, depicted in Fig.1, facilitates a 360-degree feedback mechanism through which Sir MVIT caters to all the quality needs of its stakeholders.


GMRS portal is developed with PHP as the frontend, MariaDB as the backend database and deployed on Apache HTTP Server. JQuery is used for AJAX transactions and validations on the client side.

    Grievance Redressal Form

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    University of Education

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