
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

Dr. Sasmita Mohapatra Professor & HOD

Welcome to the Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE). ECE is one of the dynamic department at sir M V I T this discipline has seen rapid changes and fastest growth. Currently, ECE has become inseparable from human life. It has found a prominent place in our day-to-day life. The department has been started in the year 1986 and as of today, it offers undergraduate program B.E (ECE) and one postgraduate program viz. M.Tech (Electronics) and also have a recognized research center for doing Ph.D & M.S by research. I have the privilege of heading a team of dedicated and competent faculty who are experts in their own right. The students in our department have been provided with an exciting, and supportive environment for learning. We strive to provide students with the necessary ambiance to embellish their knowledge and skills to achieve their long-term goals. The department organizes conferences at national and international levels at regular intervals. Stressing on consistent and good academic performance, the department also encourages participation co-curricular and extracurricular activities to bring out the talents in it students. Our curriculum is being a concept-oriented and delivery is different and offers the students much freedom to experiment with industry relevant recent technologies as electives. Our alumni have entered various occupations as hardware professionals, researchers of international repute, software professionals, university professors, entrepreneurs and so on. The list as long as it is diverse. This speaks the success of our department in producing students capable of engaging in lifelong learning and adapting to change. Future generations of our students are welcome here to discover their potential and develop the knowledge and skills necessary to stay ahead in the world of change that we live in.

  • To attain excellence in Electronics and communication Engineering and gratify the demand of industrial development with societal commitment.
  • Train the students to get excellent career with professional Ethics.
  • Stimulate entrepreneurship skills and teamwork through well designed articulated Program.
  • Motivate the students to upgrade on emerging technology and contribute to society through active research.
  1. PEO1: Graduates have successful careers in Industry/ Entrepreneurship.  
  2. PEO2: Graduates show excellence in technical higher Education and in Research.  
  3. PEO3: Graduates show good competency and social commitment in their work culture.
  • Should be able to understand the concepts of Electronics & Communication engineering and their applications in the field of semiconductor technology, consumer electronics, embedded system, communication/ networking and other relevant areas.
  • Should have an ability to apply technical knowledge and usage of modern hardware & software tools related to Electronics & Communication engineering for solving real world problems.
  • Should have the capability to analyze, comprehend, design & develop electronic subsystems/ systems for a variety of engineering applications and thus demonstrating professional ethics & concern for societal well being.

Teaching Staff

Sl.No. Name of the Faculty Qualification Designation
1. Dr. SASMITA MOHAPATRA M.Tech., Ph.D. Professor & HOD
2. Dr. R. SUNDARAGURU M.E., Ph.D. Professor
3. Dr. POONGOTHAI C. M.E., Ph.D. Associate Professor
4. Dr. SHEETAL BAGALI M.Tech., Ph.D. Associate Professor
5. Dr. MANGALA GOWRI S. G. M.Tech., Ph.D. Associate Professor
6. Ms. KRISHNAPRIYA SHARMA M.Tech. Associate Professor
7. Mr. NATARAJA R. M.Tech., Ph.D. Associate Professor
8. Ms. SHALINI P. M.Tech., Ph.D. Associate Professor
9. Ms. VIJAYA LAKSHMI S. M.Tech. Associate Professor
10. Dr. G. SHASHIBHUSHAN M.Tech., Ph.D. Assistant Professor
11. Ms. SEEMA S. M.Tech., Ph.D. Assistant Professor
12. Mr. PHANINDAR  RAVI  P. M.Tech., Ph.D. Assistant Professor
13. Ms. PRAVEENA N. M.Tech., Ph.D. Assistant Professor
14. Ms. N. BHUVANESWARI  M.E., Ph.D. Assistant Professor
15. Ms. SWETHA L. M.Tech. Assistant Professor
16. Ms. K. N. RAJESWARI M.Tech., Ph.D. Assistant Professor
17. Ms. VIJAYASHRI V. BELGAONKAR M.Tech., Ph.D. Assistant Professor
18. Ms. SANTHOSHINI S. M.Tech., Ph.D. Assistant Professor
19. Ms. SEEMA SREEKUMAR M.Tech., Ph.D. Assistant Professor
20. Ms. SHILPA CHIPPALAKATTI M.Tech., Ph.D. Assistant Professor
21. Ms. GEETHA V. M.Tech. Assistant Professor
22. Dr. PRADEEP NARAYANAN M.Tech., Ph.D. Assistant Professor

Non – Teaching Staff




Mr. Radhakrishna D.E.C.E Junior Instructor
Mr. S.H. Ashok B.E System Analyst
Mrs. R. Rekha D.E.C.E Junior Instructor
Mrs. Ragini B.H D.E.C.E Junior Instructor
Mrs. Pramila B.M BSc Clerk
Undergraduate Programme:
  • B.E in Electronics & Communication Engineering with 120 intakes
Postgraduate Programme:
  • M.Tech in Electronics with 25 intakes
Doctorate Programme:
  • Ph.D.  -  Image & Signal Processing, Wireless Communication, Wireless Sensor Networks, Embedded Systems, IOT, Remote Sensing etc. - Research based program
  • M.S. (Research)

2024 :

The department had organized an industrial visit for 6th semester students to the Centre for Airborne Systems (CABS), DRDO Bengaluru on 19th July 2024 (Batch 1) and on 23rd July 2024 (Batch 2). A total of 45 students in the first batch and 56 students in second batch visited the organization. The Centre for Airborne Systems (CABS) is a laboratory of Department of Defence R&D, DRDO, providing cost effective solutions for Airborne Surveillance Systems for various services. Presently, this lab as the nodal agency in DRDO is tasked to develop a complex airborne system of systems. This visit was coordinated by Batch 1-Dr. Sasmita Mohapatra, Ms. Bhuvaneswari N., Ms. Vijayalakshmi S. and Batch 2- Dr. G. Shashibhushan, Ms. Rajeshwari K. N., Ms. Shalini P.

The department had organized a Student Development Programme on “Robotics using ESP32” from 10th to 14th July 2024. The resource person of the event was Mr. Basavraj and Mr. Bindu, Newrro, Bengaluru. The objective of the event was to equip students with practical skills in Arduino applications, component wiring and programming ESP32 devices, acquire principles of robotics, types of sensors and actuators used in robotics, interface various sensors, read sensor data and interpret it for decision making and demonstrate projects to peers explaining design choices and implementation details. 50 students from 4th semester attended the event. The event was coordinated by Dr. Sheetal Bagali and Ms. Seema S.

The department had organized a Student Development Programme on “Machine learning & its applications” on 10th and 11th July 2024. The resource person of the event was Mr. Mahesh Degina, Managing Director & CEO and Mr. Harish.N CTO, Karunadu Technologies Pvt.Ltd, Bengaluru. This program was aimed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the basic concepts of machine learning and its wide range of applications. The event covered popular machine learning techniques, highlighting the differences between supervised and unsupervised algorithms. 24 students from 6th semester participated in the event. This event was coordinated by Dr. Poongothai C. and Ms.Santhoshini S.

The department had organized a workshop on “Navigating the Startup Ecosystem: Trends, Opportunities, and Innovative Ideas” on 9th July 2024. The resource person of the event was Mr. Kotresh Mundrugi, Director, Indian Tech-Keys, Bengaluru. This program was aimed to to provide entrepreneurs and innovators with insights into current market trends, identify emerging opportunities within the startup landscape, and explore innovative ideas shaping the future of business. Attendees will gain valuable knowledge from industry experts, network with like-minded individuals, and learn practical strategies for navigating challenges in the startup ecosystem. 51 students from 4th semester participated in the event. This event was coordinated by Dr. Poongothai C., Ms. Krishnapriya S. Sharma and Ms. Praveena N.

The department had organized a “Circuit Debugging" event on 5th June 2024. This program is aimed to benefit participants by enhancing their practical skills and problem-solving abilities in electronics. This event was a valuable opportunity for students to gain hands-on experience in troubleshooting and debugging electronic circuits. A total of 45 students from 4th and 6th semester of various branches like Telecommunication, Electrical and Electronics and Electronics and Communication Engineering participated. The event was coordinated by Dr. Sheetal Bagali and Ms. Seema S.

The department had organized a talk on “Quantum Information Technology using Photonics” event on 26th June 2024. Resource person for this event was Dr. T. Srinivas, Professor, Electrical Communication Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. This program is aimed to benefit participants by enhancing their knowledge in Quantum Technology and Photonics. This event was a valuable opportunity for students to gain basic understanding of Photonics, areas where it can be implemented for high speed devices. A total of 24 students from ECE and 12 faculties from various departments participated, such as MCA, ETC and ECE. The event was coordinated by Dr. Mangala Gowri S. G. and Ms. Praveena N.

Department had organized a field trip to “Janapada Loka, Ramadevara betta, Ramanagar '' on 2nd March 2024. Dr. G. Shashibhushan and Mr. R. Nataraja, Assistant Professors coordinated the event.

IEEE Photonics Society student Chapters of SIR MVIT and RNSIT in collaboration with CADFEM India organized a 2 day hands on workshop on “Photonics Simulations using Ansys Lumerical”, on 28th and 29th Feb 2024. This event was coordinated by Ms. Vijayashri V. Belgaonkar , Assistant Professor.

The department organized a seminar on “Innovative Methods of Research and Patenting”, on 24th February 2024. Dr. Jawed Qumar, Scientist-F, CABS, DRDO was the resource person.The event was coordinated by Dr. Sasmita Mohapatra, Professor and Dr. Sheetal B, Associate Professor.

The department had organized a Workshop on “Entrepreneurship Skill, Attitude and Behaviour Development” under IIC 6.0 Q2, on 15th February, 2024. The resource person of the event was Dr. Nandkishore Rathi, Founder, CEO, Loratis, Bengaluru. and promote entrepreneurial behavior. 50 students from S5 participated in the event. This event was coordinated by Ms. Krishnapriya S Sharma, Ms. Praveena N and Dr. Poongothai C.

Department had organized a field trip to “GKVK '' on 31st January 2024. Phanindar Ravi P, Assistant Professor organized the field trip.

Department had organized an Alumni Interaction “Alumni Insights- Navigating Future Paths” on 13th January 2024. The prominent alumni invited for the event were Sreedevi C.A., Manager, Software Engineering- Cisco, Eshwar Prasad KC,Software Engineer-Broadcom Inc., Mohan Thimmadasaiah, Co-Founder/CTO-Pace Wisdom Solutions, Gagana T Reddy, GPU Design Verification Engineer-Intel Corporation and Hari Kalatheeswaran, System Test Engineer-Continental AG. The event was coordinated by Dr. Sheetal B, Associate Professor and Seem S, Assistant Professor.

2023 :

The department had organized a Guest Lecture on Benefits of IEEE Membership on 12th December 2023 in CSE Seminar Hall. The resource person of the event was Dr. Venkatesha M., Professor and Head Dept of ECE, SVIT , Vice chair, IEEE Photonics Society Bangalore Chapter. This program was aimed at Introduction to IEEE Membership and Benefits, Professional and Developmental opportunities, Networking and collaboration, Career Advancements and Recognition. Keynote Speaker Inaugurated Sir MVIT IEEE Photonics Society Student Chapter and declared the office bearers of IEEE Photonics society student chapter. Guest Speaker uploaded the IEEE photonics society office bearers list on IEEE vTools. 57 students from 3rd and 5th semester participated in the event. This event was coordinated by Ms. Vijayashri V. Belgaonkar, Assistant Professor.

The department had organized a Student Development Program on Free Space Optical Communication System using Optisystem Tool on 27th December 2023 .The resource person of the event was Ms. Vijayashri V. Belgaonkar - Faculty advisor Sir MVIT IEEE Photonics Society Student Chapter, Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE. The program aimed to equip students with practical knowledge and skills in designing and simulating Free Space Optical (FSO) communication systems using the Optisystem tool. 35 students from 5th semester participated in the event. The event was coordinated by Ms. Vijayashri V. Belgaonkar, Assistant Professor and Ms. Vijayalakshmi, Associate Professor.

The Department had Organized a Faculty Development Program on R&D Project Proposal Writing and Funding Opportunity on 12th December 2023, in Marconi Seminar Hall. The Resource Person of the Event was Dr. Shyamlal, Associate Professor, NITK, Suratkal. This program was aimed at project proposal writing and funding opportunities for faculty Members from various departments. 25 faculties participated in the event. Ms. Shalini P, Associate Professor and Ms. Rajeswari K N, Assistant Professor coordinated the event

The department had organized a Student Development Program on Introduction to MATLAB on 13th December 2023 .The resource person of the event was Mr. Avinash Vulasa, Application Engineer - UPT Technology Solutions Division, CoreEL Technologies. The program aimed to equip students with practical knowledge and skills in MATLAB. 120 students of 3rd semester participated in the event. Ms. Shalini P, Associate Professor and Ms. Praveena N, Assistant Professor coordinated the event.

The department had organized a Seminar on “Electronic Design and its Relevance in Industry“ on 22nd December 2023, in Science Seminar Hall. The Resource Person of the Event was Mr. Sathish Nayak, Design Head from Trident Infosol Pvt. Ltd., Peenya Bengaluru. The main aim of the Seminar is to narrow down the differences between Industry and academia in Electronic Product Designing. The students were given a deep insight into the real time procedures adopted in industries for developing and designing of Electronic Products. It helped in achieving many POs with respect to the COs for the Subject Electronic Principles and Circuits with subject code- BEC303. 35 students from 3rd semester participated in the event. Dr. Sasmita Mohapathra, Professor and Ms. Rajeswari K N, Assistant Professor coordinated the event.

The department had organized a 4-Day FDP on “Python Programming and IOT Applications using Raspberry Pi” from 10th to 14th October 2023. The resource persons for the SDP were Dr. J .Santosh Kumar Associate Professor, Reva University, Bengaluru, Dr. K. Sushan Bairy Assistant Professor, Reva University, Bengaluru, Mr .Chidambar S Kulkarni Zonal Manager, TMI Systems Bengaluru and Mr. Ravi N Senior Marketing Manager, TMI Systems Bengaluru. 67 faculties participated in the program. The FDP aimed to equip faculty members with the knowledge and skills required to teach Python programming and develop IoT applications using Raspberry Pi. Dr. Poongothai C., Associate Professor & Ms. Swetha L, Assistant Professor in the department were the coordinators of the FDP.

The department had organized a Space Outreach talk on “Challenges of Chandrayaan – 3” on 9th October 2023. Ms. Roopa M V, Deputy Project Director, Chandrayaan - 3 was the resource person. 116 students from various departments of Sir MVIT attended the talk. Dr. Poongothai C., Associate Professor & Ms. Praveena N, Assistant Professor in the department were the coordinators of the event.

Department in association with IEEE student branch conducted a guest lecture titled “Roadmap Towards a Quality Research Publication” on 07th October 2023. The speaker was Dr. Abhishek M Appaji, Associate Professor and Dean R&D, BMS College of Engineering. The event was conducted for the benefit of 7th Semester students and research scholars. This was coordinated by Phanindar Ravi P, Assistant Professor.

On 14th September 2023, the students of 7th Semester were taken to an Industrial Trade Visit to “Electronica-exhibition -2023” at BIEC Bengaluru. The objective of this visit was to expose the students to PCB design and Automation.

Dept. of ECE in association with IEEE student branch conducted a skill enrichment workshop titled "Unix and GIT masterclass" on 13th June 2023 for the students of first and second years.

Department club InnovECE was inagurated on 29th May 2023 at Marconi Seminar Hall. The event was a resounding success, bringing together students, faculty members, and dignitaries to mark the official launch of this prestigious club. The aim of the InnovECE Club is to foster innovation, creativity, and collaboration among students in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering. 100 students were present for the inaguration.

The Department organized a Faculty Development Program on " Embedded C Basics Using Microcontroller" from 8th to 11th May 2023. Mr. Mahendra B M from R.V. College of Engineering, Bangalore was the resource person. Ms. Seema S, Ms. Swetha L and Ms. Sheetal Bagali coordinated the event.

The Department organized a Student Development Program on " LabVIEW Programming Basics" on 12th and 13th May 2023. Ms. Shalini P, Ms. Swetha L, Ms. Praveena N and Ms. Poongothai C were the resource persons. 50 students of 4th semester attended the workshop.

Department Organized a Project Exhibition for 8th semester students on 12th May 2023. Dr. Anil Kumar Assistant Professor, Department of ETE, BMSIT, Bengaluru, Mr. Sachin Kumar, Qualcom India Ltd., Mr. Shashidhara N, Consultant, Worldskill and Dr. Mrinal Sarvagya, Professor, Reva University were the jury members. Mr. Phanindar Ravi P, Ms. Poongothai C and Ms. Praveena N coordinated the event.

  • Mr. G.Shashibhushan defended his Ph.D. final Viva-Voce examination on 5th May, 2023 on the thesis titled "Hardware Implementation of Multilevel Inverter using Vector Space analysis for Induction motor" under the guidance of Dr. Savita Sonali.
  • Ms. Sheetal Bagali defended her Ph.D. final Viva-voce examination on 12th May, 2023 on the thesis entitled "Performance Analysis of Underwater Communication in Multi User Environment" under the guidance of Dr. R. Sundaraguru
  • Mrs. Poongothai C defended her Ph.D. final Viva-voce examination on 18th May, 2023 on the thesis entitled "Enhancing the performance of low power wide area network using Narrow Band Internet of Things" under the guidance of Dr. P. Vijayakarthik.

A Seminar on "IPR Awareness Session Under NIPAM 2" in collaboration with NIPAM for S6 and S8 students was organized on 19-04-2023. The resource person was Sulipta Das NIPAM-TIFAC Coordinator, Women Scientist-C, Registered Indian Patent Agent, Bangalore. 60 students participated in the seminar. Dr. Sasmita Mohapatra and Ms. Sheetal Bagali co-ordinated this event.

  • Ankit Josh S3 participated in HackerRank and has successfully cleared the assessment for the skill Problem Solving (Intermediate) on 02/04/2023

The department organized a Guest Lecture on "Introduction to Machine Learning" for 3S students on 02-03-2023. Resource person was Ms. K. P Mayuri, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE, Sir MVIT, Bangalore. 60 students participated in the event. Ms. Poongothai C, Praveena N and Shwetha L coordinated this event.

  • Gagana R, 5th semester, selected for VTU Kho-Kho women team. The team will be participating in South Zone Inter University Tournment 2022-23
  • Ramya, 2nd year, ECE, Sir MVIT chess Women team member, secured runners up in the VTU Inter collegiate Chess competition held at Vemana IT, Bengaluru on 1st and 2nd December 2022 and the team has been qualified for state level chess competition to be held at NMAMIT, Nitte from 5th to 6th December 2022.
  • Divya,Indu YV,Vinuthra K, Sushma R, Varsha K L, Shivani Kencharaddi 2nd Year, B Kavya 3rd year, ECE, Sir MVIT women team members, secured 2nd RUNNERS UP in VTU Bengaluru division Intercollegiate kabaddi women tournment held at APSCE, Bangalore on 30th November and 1st December2022 and Qualified to VTU State level women Kabaddi tournament to be held at APSCE College,Kanakapura Road Bengaluru on 2nd and 3rd December 2022.

R Sundaraguru organized seminar on "International education awareness " by Nestlings on 29th November 2022.

Ms. P Shalini, Ms. Vijayalakshmi S, Ms. Rajeshwari K.N and Mr. Shashibhushan G conducted a talk on Awareness session on "Manufacturing of Electronic Assememblies for Inustrial Needs" for 3rd semester students on 24th November 2022. The resource persons were Sriranjani Sundaresh, Sr. Mgr. – Supplier Technical Performance, Thales India Pvt. Ltd and Dr. Morgana Ribas Director – R&D Materials MacDermid Alpha Electronics Solutions.

Industrial visit was organised for 3rd semester, ECE Students at SCHNIDER-ELECTRIC Bangalore along with staff Shashibhushan G and Rajeshwari K.N on 23rd November 2022.

Dr. Sasmita Mohapatra, Mr. R Nataraja, Ms. Seema S, Mr. Phanindar Ravi P, Ms. Bhuvaneswari N and Sheetal Bagali organized 3-day National Level Student Development Program on "PCB Design and Fabrication Using Innovative Methods For Industrial Products" in collaboration with India-Tech Keys, for 3rd and 5th semester from 8th -10th November 2022.

Dr. Supriya V G, Mr. Phanindar Ravi P and Ms. Sheetal Bagali organized 3 day Faculty Development Programme On “Design and Simulation of Electronic Circuits using Multisim and Labview Programming” from 17th November to 19th November 2022. The resource persons were Dr. Ravi Kumar A.V., Associate Professor, SJBIT, Bangalore and Mr. Bhaskar, Assistant Professor, SJBIT, Bangalore.


2022 :

Orientation talk

Department of ECE organized a orientation talk on "IEEE SMVIT" by Mr. Phanindar Ravi, Assistant Professor, Dept. of ECE, Sir MVIT, on 09-02-2023. 80 students of S3 participated in the event.

Indu Y V and Divya, 3S, Sir MVIT women Kabaddi team members, secured runners up in inter college tournament held at BMSCE, Bangalore from 26-12-2022 to 28-12-2022

Manoj S Kulkarni, Rajeev P, Chetan Vinayaka, Mithil Dhondi (3 semester Student Coordinators) conducted alunini talk on "The Journey: Student to Engineer" for 3S students on 27-12-2022. 72 students attended the talk. Resource Person: Mr. Ramesh Madakasira, Founder/CEO, Unified Gateways

  • Aishwarya K R, 3rd semester, Taekwondo women team member, secured winners in Taekwondo women (U-62), Inter collegiate tournamnet held at SIT, Tumkur from 20-12-2022 to 21-12-2022.
  • Subramaniam G, Monish M and Mohith G S, 5th semester, achieved 2nd place in Quiz event of the National Technical Fest, ELECTROGREEEN '22, organised by deept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Sir MVIT, Bangalore held on 16-12-2022 to 17-12-2022.
  • Ashish Kumar, 5th semester, achieved 3rd  place in ELECTROLOOP event of the National Technical Fest, ELECTROGREEEN '22, organised by deept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Sir MVIT, Bangalore held on 16-12-2022 to 17-12-2022
  • Shoaib Khan, 3rd semester, achieved 2nd position in Troubleshooting event of the National Technical Fest, ELECTROGREEEN '22, organised by deept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Sir MVIT, Bangalore held on 16-12-2022 to 17-12-2022
  • Harshit, Himanshu Shekar Das and Abhishek Singh, 5th semester, Sir MVIT basketball team members, secured runners up for basketball held at CMRIT, state level Inter-Collegiate sports fest SPARDHA on 17-12-2022.
  • Purushuttam Kumar, 3th semester won 1st prize under the category of Ideathon Competition at the "3-Day National Seminar on Biotechnology for Better Life-Innovations and Advances towards Sustainable Development" organized by Dept. of Biotechnology, Sir MVIT, from 15-12-2022 to 17-12-2022.
  • Sai Raksha, Sindhu R and Rachana Gowda, 3rd semester won 3rd prize under the category of Ideathon Competition at the "3-Day National Seminar on Biotechnology for Better Life-Innovations and Advances towards Sustainable Development" organized by Dept. of Biotechnology, Sir MVIT, from 15-12-2022 to 17-12-2022.
  • Purushuttam Kumar, 3rd semester won 1st prize under the category of Ideathon Competition at the "3-Day National Seminar on Biotechnology for Better Life-Innovations and Advances towards Sustainable Development" organized by Dept. of Biotechnology, Sir MVIT, from 15-12-2022 to 17-12-2022.

2021 :

Nikita P R Secured 7th Rank in BE/ECE

2020 :

Secured 1st rank in B.E/ECE and awarded with VTU Gold Medal and 6 Endowment Gold Medals

Gagana T Reddy secured 1st Rank in BE/ECE, Anusha J R secured 2nd Rank in BE/ECE, Nikhil Bharadwaj R secured 7th Rank in BE/ECE

2019 :

Gagana.T.Reddy of 8th semester has been awarded as the “Best student of ISTE Chapter -2019”

2 day SDP on “Embedded IOT and its Applications” on 26/9/2019 & 27/09/2019

Industrial visit to RAMAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE, Bengaluru on 24/04/2019.

Sureen- Final year student represented VTU in All India inter-university baseball tournament held at Kurukshetra University, Haryana.

SDP on Computer Network and SecurityGrowth Programme

Revanth & Team won best project at Aero India

Winners of Innovation Design Challenge & Innovation

SDP on Computer Network and Security Growth Programme

SDP on Simulation and PCB design using NI
multisim and Ultiboard

SDP on Simulation using Orcad and NI multisim

Industrial visit to Ramtek Electronics

SDP on Simulation using Orcad and NI multisim

Industrial visit to Ramtek Electronics

Ankit Shubham sayanthika first runners up in IESA Makeathon

Analog Circuit Lab

Logic Design using Multisim

Digital Signal Processing Lab


Seminar Hall


  • The Department has 14 laboratories, Innovation club lab, project lab, Department Library, Seminar Hall, Adequate classrooms and other facilities.
  • Laboratories are equipped with hardware, computers and software packages such as Matlab, OPTSIM, Xilinx ISE, Cadfeko, and Cadence with updated versions.
  • Classrooms are spacious, well-designed furniture with teaching aids like LCD projector, smart boards, etc., further well- ventilated with natural light and adequate electrical facilities.
  • Classrooms are spacious, well-designed furniture with teaching aids like LCD projector, smart boards, etc., further well- ventilated with natural light and adequate electrical facilities.
  • Department Faculties are engaged in research activity and keeping pace with the latest development in Engineering and Technology.
  • 100% placement is provided for our students in the highly reputed MNC companies like TCS, CTS, Accenture, WIPRO, INFOSYS, etc. through in-campus interviews
  • Dr. Mangala Gowri S. G. was invited as an resource person for “Inauguration Ceremony of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society and Robotics and Automation Society Student Branch Chapter”, organized at Dayanand Sagar University on 3rd June 2024.
  • Dr. Mangala Gowri S. G. was a resource person for 3 day value added course on VLSI organized by BMSCE IEEE PES and Sensors Council on 5th , 6th and 7th June 2024.
  • Vijayashri V. Belgaonkar was invited as a resource person for 2 days hands-on workshop on “Optical Wireless Communication System”, at Cambridge Institute of Technology North Campus on 4th and 5th March 2024.
  • Bhuvaneswari N was invited as the Interview panel member for the staff recruitment drive held at PM SHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya, AFS,Yelahanka,Bengaluru on 28th February 2024.
  • Seema S, was the resource person for the 3- Day SDP on “Introduction to Python, Data and Control systems” organized by the department of MBA, Sir MVIT from 22nd to 24 th February 2024.
  • Dr. Supriya V. G., and Ms. Vijayashri V. Belgaonkar were the Resource persons for the Guest Lecture on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning applications at Government Tools and Training Center (GTTC), Devanahalli on 22nd Feb 2024.
  • Dr. Sasmita Mohapatra and Dr. Sheetal Bagali reviewed manuscripts for IEEE International Conference on Networks, Multimedia and Information Technology (NMITCON), to be held on 1st and 2nd September 2023 at NMIT, Bangalore
  • Dr. Sasmita Mohapatra and Dr. Sheetal Bagali reviewed manuscripts for the IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Network Security (ICDSNS), held at Kalpataru Institute of Technology, Tiptur, Karnataka on 28th and 29th July 2023.
Patents Published:
Sl. No. Name of the Faculty Topic of the filed Patent Year and month of filing Patent Application Number Present status Agency
1 Dr. Sheetal Belaldavar IOT Based Accident Detection And Patient Rescue System May 2024 202441039205 Published Indian
2 Dr. G. Shashibhushan Solar Based cum Parking Charging station for Electric Vehicles April 2024 Design No.- 6357325 Granted UK
3 Dr. G. Shashibhushan Intelligent Wireless Charging Station for Electric Vehicles April 2024 Design Number-412776-001 Granted Indian
4 Phanindar Ravi A Method and System for compilation of examination results into consolidated reports March 2024 202441026389 Published Indian
5 Dr. G. Shashibhushan IOT enabled Smart Charging Station for Electrical Vehicle March 2024 Design No. 411968-001 Granted Indian
6 Dr. Sheetal Belaldavar Low Power Technique For CNTFET Based Sram At 7Nm Technology April 2024 202441031507 Published Indian
7 Dr. G Shashibhushan Electric Vehicle Headlight Console January 2024 405490-001 Granted Indian
8 Dr. Sheetal Belaldavar 6-Bit Tri-Gate Finfet Based Alu Designed To Reduce Leakage Power Using Dual Power Gated Stack At 20Nm Technology February 2024 202441007194 Published Indian
9 Dr. G Shashibhushan Battery Health Detection Device for E-Vehicle January 2024 401682-001 Published Indian
10 Dr. Sasmita Mohapatra Non-Invasive method of detecting glucose and smart automated insulin pen January 2024 202341082444 Published Indian
11 Dr. G Shashibhushan Smart Thermal Management System for Optimizing EV battery Life September 2023 202341058979 Published Indian
12 Dr. G Shashibhushan Electric Vehicle Charging Station July 2023 203341042361 Published UK
13 Dr. G Shashibhushan Electric Cart for Agricultural Purpose July 2023 389910-001. Published Indian
14 Dr. G Shashibhushan Demonstration of the Performance of a Battery Operated Electric Vehicle System using Choppers June 2023 203341042361. Published Indian
15 Dr. G Shashibhushan Designing of a Coolant- based Battery Cooling System in an Electrical Vehicle June 2023 202341044230 Published Indian
16 Dr. Sasmita Mohapatra Low Profile Ultra-Wide Band Log Periodic End Fire Array Antenna August-2020 202041036924 Granted Indian
17 Dr. Sasmita Mohapatra
Attendance Registration with Smart Phone In Campuses
Reply to FER Submitted Indian
18 Dr. R Sundaraguru/ Mr. Phanindra Ravi Touch-Less Laser Based Finger Sensing for Keys And Keyboards November-2020 202041050983 Granted Indian
19 Mrs. Praveena A High Speed Low Power Ternary Content Addressable Memory Device December-2020 202041052977 Granted Indian
20 Dr. Supriya V. G. Smart entry points at public places May-2021 202141021273 Published Indian
21 Dr. Sasmita Mohapatra/ Mr. Phanindra Ravi Smart phone based system for attendance registration with handwriting recognition and method thereof July-2021 202111030890         Granted Indian
22 Dr. R Sundaraguru Decentralized data storage and processing method for automatic wireless network authentication in an IOT System July-2021 2021103108 Granted Australian
23 Dr. Supriya V. G. A Plant Finder for Ayurvedic Botanists-A Blending Technology on India’s Rich Ayurveda Legacy (Android and Ios Based), April-2021 202141016624 Published Indian

Name of the Students




Ms.Deekshita Reddy, 4th semester Quiz competition conducted by The Times of India Won June 2024
Ms. Sumana and Ms. Bindushree 6th semester International Day of Light - Photonics Student Conclave held at the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru Presented the IEEE Photonics Society Student chapter at Sir MVIT 16-05-2024
Mr. Abhishek U S and Mr. Chnadra Mowli G N, 4th semester International Day of Light organized by the IEEE SVIT Student Branch in association with IEEE SVIT Photonics Society held at Department of Electronics, Sai Vidya Institute of Technology Presented the IEEE Photonics Society Student chapter at Sir MVIT 16-05-2024
Chetan Vinayaka and Rajeev of 4th semester A National level technical symposium organised by IEEE SIT Student branch Siddaganga Institute of Technology 1st place in triEEEvia event in IdEEas 2K23 23-06-2023
Nikitha Reddy, Punya P, Pushpanjali A V and Vidya S Final year Project on “Waste Management and Energy Conversion” KSCST grant of Rs. 6000 2023
Arpit Kabra, D H Gowda, Sudesh S Gaonkar, Supriyo Sadhukha, 8th semester 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing for Security Applications - ICSCS 2023 (Springer Conference)/ Springer/ Dhirajlal Gandhi College of Technology, Salem, Tamilnadu, India, April 2023 Technical Paper Presentation 2023
Balasetty Sravani, B Kavya , M B Varalakshmi, Sri Lakshmi A Reddy of 6th Semester International conference on Network, Multimedia and Information Technology (NMITCON) Presented paper titled “Design and Parametric Analysis of 6T SRAM Using 180nm and 45nm Technology” 9-08-2023
Savithri V Yashaswini S Sahana N G Ramya C 2nd International conference on Data Intelligence and cognitive Informatics ICDICI-2021 Technical Paper Presentation 2021
Anagha Apurva Karn Misha Saara VTU- Avishkar Project Competation Sanctioned Rs 5000/- 2020
Anjali Vijayan Deepika A Anikit Kumar Arati VTU- Avishkar Project Competation Sanctioned Rs 5000/- 2020
SrinivasaPrasad GATE Cleared 2021
Suhas P N GATE Cleared and joined MTech in NIT Warangal 2021
Gagana T Reddy University Examination Secured 1st rank in B.E/ECE and awarded with 7 Gold Medals
  1. VTU Gold Medal
  2. Jain University Gold Medal
  3. Late Sanjay Shripati Koimattur Memorial Gold Medal
  4. Jyothi Gold Medal
  5. R N Shetty Gold Medal
  6. Dr. N. R. Shetty Gold Medal
  7. SJCE Silver Jubilee-1988 Gold Medal
Anusha J R University Examination 2nd rank in B.E/ECE 2020
Nikhil Bharadwaj R University Examination 7th rank in B.E/ECE 2020
Gagana.T.Reddy 16th Karnataka State level ISTE Student Convention held at KSIT, Bengaluru Best student of ISTE Chapter -2019 2019
Vinaya M Santhosh  S Neethu P S Lakshmi Priyanka 1st international Conference on Emerging Trends in Engg ,Innovative Science & Management (ICETEISM-2019) Best paper for the paper entitled S'TRI NETRA SMART Gadget for Women Self -defence &Security 2019
Prakriti Sharma Kavya A.S Keerthi Ramkumar State Level Technical project Exhibition held at SVCE, Bengaluru First prize for the project titled "An Embedded & Image processing platform for Epilepsy Monitoring” on the theme Basic Science & Biomedical App . 2019
Amrita Sharma Harini suresh Monisha S 3-Day National Conference (NCEC-19) organized by IEEE-DSCE Student's Branch & IEEE Women Engg Best paper award  for the paper titled “Pest detection using Image processing” 2019
Rishabh Raj IICDC-2019-MSP -Online Contest- TI University Program. First Place 2019
Sahil Nain IICDC-2019-MSP -Online Contest- TI University Program. First Place 2019
Malladi Naga subhash Rishabh raj P. Rakshith State level Mini Project Exhibition sponsored by ISTE & Aberame, organized by Dept of CSE,SVCE Best project award for the project titled ” Apex-A plant health Monitoring System” . 2019
Santhosh S, Vinaya Upadhya National Seminar on "Innovations in Science & Engg jointly organized by SIR MVIT & NASI Second prize for the Idea presentation 2019
Durvesula Revanth (Team GANNET) Swarm of Micro UAVs in Dare to Dream DRDO Innovation Contest 2019 First Prize with Cash Award of Rs. 5.00 Lakh. 2019
Durvesula Revanth (Team GANNET) Aero India 2019, Student Pavilion Competition First Prize with Cash Award of Rs. 2.00 Lakh. 2019
Ankit Kumar Agarwal Shubham Kumar Agrawal IESA Makeathon held at Leela Palace First runners up 2019
Durvesula Revanth (Team GANNET) DST – Lockheed Martin – Tata Trusts India Innovation Growth Programme (IIGP) 2.0 Grant - in - Aid of Rs 10.00 Lakh. 2018
Mr. Issac Show GATE 2017 All India Rank -1091 2017
Shubham Kumar Agrawal WTM-Hackaethon Cash Prize – Rs. 10,000 2016
RichaKumari SPEED EVENT 2016, ASME Human Powered Vehicle Challenge, Vellore Institute of Technology. Second Prize 2016
Ms. Priyanka Billawa Ms. Priyadarshini Ms. Sai Asritha P Ms. Ramya K C TI India Innovation Challenge 2016 in collaboration with IIM Bengaluru and DST Semi-finalists of the Project “Navigation enabled Text Recognition Assistant -MSER based spectacles for blind with Audio Narration “ 2016
Nithin Nair S Balachandran Ramalinga Gouda Rohit S Pizza Delivery Robot, Robotic Competition, IIT, Bombay. First Prize 2015
S Balachander Nithin Nair Circuit Debugging Contes -  Annual Technical Fest Vidyuth 2K15, BMSIT, Bangalore. First Prize 2015
Nithin R Bhat Robot Race in technical fest ELECSIM, BMSIT Bangalore. Second Prize 2015
Shilpashree Rao National Symposium  in Instrumentation, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore Presented a paper on “ Evaluation of imaging techniques to enhance face recognition rate for various database “ 2015
Shilpashree Rao IEEE sponsored Conference held at Karpagam College of Engineering Presented a paper - “A Novel Triangular Feature Extraction for Enhanced Face Recognition“ 2015

Name of the Students




Aishwarya K. R Taekwondo (U-67) Inter Collegaite State Level Tournament, held at SIT, Tumkur on 21st and 22nd August 2nd place 2023
Vikas Vishwakarma Iwan tennis tournament, held at VTU Belagavi from 26th to 29th August 2023 4th place 2023
Aishwarya , 3rd Semester Taekwondo (Women), All India Inter University Championship at Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab Represented VTU 2023
Indu Y V and Divya, 3rd semester Sir MVIT women Kabaddi team members, inter college tournament Runners up 2023
Ramya, 2nd year, ECE Sir MVIT, chess Women team member, participated in the VTU Inter collegiate Chess competition held at Vemana IT, Bengaluru on 1st and 2nd December 2022 Runners up 2022
Divya,Indu YV,Vinuthra K, Sushma R, Varsha K  L, Shivani Kencharaddi 2nd Year, B Kavya 3rd year, ECE  Sir MVIT women team members, participated in VTU Bengaluru division Intercollegiate kabaddi women tournment held at APSCE, Bangalore on 30th November and 1st December2022. 2nd RUNNERS 2022
Chudesh Vanny Hockey member, participated in Inter Collegiate Bangalore North Zone Tournament held at SJCIT, Bangalore Runners up 2022
Sureen All India Inter-university soft ball tournament held at  Nanded Maharashtra Winner 2019
Sureen All India Inter-university cricket tournament held at Shimoga Karnataka Winner 2019
Trupthi Shetty VTU Single Zone Tournament – Taekwondo held at Global Academy of Technology Bengaluru Third Prize 2019
Sureen VTU Inter-Collegiate cricket tournament Best Batsman of the year 2017
2006  NBA  Accredited for Three Years
  • NBA  Accredited for Three Years
  • Chaya B.M secured VTU University First rank in M Tech (Electronics)
  • Tejaswini K secured VTU University Third  rank in M Tech (Electronics)
  • Sowmya K.V secured VTU University Third in M Tech (Electronics)
  • DST Supports Modernization of all Laboratories
  • Mercy Subraman secured VTU University Second rank in M Tech (Electronics)
  • Established FICE Intel Atom Processor Lab.
  • MOU with Gill Instruments to establish Embedded System Lab.
  • MoU was signed with Technophilia, Mumbai to establish Embedded System & Robotics Lab.
  • Nishal secured VTU University Fifth rank in B.E (ECE)
  • Sneha S Pingle secured VTU University Third rank in M Tech (Electronics)
  • MOU with Texas Instruments for setting up of Texas instruments Embedded System Lab.
  • Texas Instruments Design Contest conducted.
  • IETE Student Chapter Inaugurated
  • Papyrus 6.0 Paper Design Contest Organized.
  • K C Gouthami secured VTU University First rank in M Tech (Electronics)
  • A team of 6th semester students won the First Price in the Robotics competition conducted at IIT Mumbai.
  • Adopted to outcome based Education System
  • Mohd. Danish Khan, Abhishek Kumar were among the 14 National finalists and received accolades by Dr A P J Abdul Kalam, the Chief Guest for the final event at TI Innovation Challenge 15.
  • S Balachander and Nithin Nair won the first prize in Circuit Debugging conducted as part of Annual Technical Fest Vidyuth 2K15, BMSIT, Bangalore.
  • Nithin R Bhat won 2nd prize in Robot Race in technical fest ELECSIM, BMSIT
  • Shilpashree Rao presented a paper on “ Evaluation of imaging techniques to enhance face recognition rate for various database “ National symposium  in instrumentation, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore
  • Shilpashree Rao presented a paper “A Novel Triangular Feature Extraction for Enhanced Face Recognition “in an IEE sponsored Conference Karpagam College of Engineering on 7th -8th January 2016.
  • RichaKumari secured 2nd position in the SPEED EVENT 2016, ASME Human Powered Vehicle Challenge, Vellore Institute of Technology.
  • Nithin Nair, s Balachandran, Ramalinga Gouda, Rohit S won the First Prize for Pizza Delivery Robot, Robotic Competition, IIT, Bombay.
  • Latha N secured VTU University First rank in M Tech (Electronics)
  • ShriyaSankar secured University Second rank in M Tech (Electronics)
  • Sachin V secured VTU University Third Rank M Tech (Electronics)
  • Ms. Priyanka Billawa, Ms. Priyadarshini, Ms. Sai Asritha P, Ms. Ramya K C Semi – Finalists in E- Yantra Robotics competition conducted by IIT Bombay
  • Ms. Priyanka Billawa, Ms. Priyadarshini, Ms. Sai Asritha P, Ms. Ramya K C  ‘Navigation enabled Text Recognition Assistant – MSER based spectacles for blind with Audio Narration ‘ selected for final stage of project by Texas Instruments India Innovation Challenge 2016 in collaboration with IIM Bengaluru and Department of Science and Technology 9 DST )
  • Shubham Agarwal won the cash prize Rs 10,000/- - WTM – Hackathon
  • Organized National Conference (NCIC3-2017)
  • Mercy Priscilla secured VTU University Second rank in M.Tech (Electronics)
  • Usha secured VTU University Third rank in M.Tech (Electronics)
  • Mr. Issac Show scored 1091 All India Rank out of 141665 candidates in GATE 2017
PG - M.Tech (Electronics)

Name of the Student



Mercy Priscilla 2nd 2017
Usha 3rd 2017
Latha N 1st 2016
ShriyaSankar 2nd 2016
Sachin V 3rd 2016
K C Gouthami 1st 2015
Sneha S Pingle 3rd 2014
Mercy Subraman 2nd 2013
Sowmya K.V 3rd 2012
Chaya B.M 1st 2011
Tejaswini K 3rd 2011
Name of the Student Rank Year
Gudikal Sai Vamsi 1st 2023
Shraddha V Goudar 5th 2023
Bhavisya 9th 2023
Sirisha J C 5th 2022
Chanda Singh 6th 2022
Nikitha P R 7th 2021
Gagana T Reddy 1st 2020
Anusha J R 2nd 2020
Nikhil Bharadwaj R 7th 2020
Nishal 5th 2014
  • Dr. Sasmita Mohapatra, Surveillance with Smart Spherical Robot, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems ((LNNS,volume 879)), Springer Link, 2024.
  • Seema S., “Energy Optimized Cluster Head Selection Based on Multi-Objective Sand Cat Swarm Optimization in UnderWater Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, vol.17, no.1, 2024. doi:
  • Vijayashri. V. Belgaonkar and Dr. R. Sundaraguru, “Free space optical communication system in the presence of atmospheric losses'', Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Volume. 33, No. 1, pp. 159-166, January 2024, DOI: 10.11591/ijeecs.v33.i1.
  • Gadigi Shashibhushan, “Developing a Deep Learning and Reliable Optimization Techniques for Solar Power Prediction“, Electric Power Components and Systems, Feb 2024, DOI:10.1080/15325008.2024.2317369
  • Sundaraguru Ramakrishnan,“A Simplified Optimization for Resource Management in Cognitive Radio Network based Internet of Things Over 5G Networks”,
    International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 6, pp. 6513-6524, Dec. 2023, doi:
  • Dr. G Shashibhushan, “ AI-Powered Lithium-Ion Battery State of Charge Estimation for Enhanced Electric Vehicle Efficiency”, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on I-SMAC, IEEE Xplore Part Number:CFP23OSV-ART, 2023
  • Santhoshini S, “Hyperspectral Image Denoising Using Deep Learning”, International journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management, Vol. 07 Issue 06, pp. 1-11, ISSN:2582-3930, June 2023, doi:10.55041/IJSREM23367
  • Dr. Supriya V G, “Waste Management and Energy Conversion”, International Journal of Novel Research and Development, Vol. 8, Issue 5, pp. a73-a76ISSN:2458-4184, May 2023
  • Seema S, “Multi Objective Energy Based Improved Jellyfish Swarm Optimization for Effective Cluster Head Discovery in UWSN”, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol.16, No.3, pp. 508-518, 2023, doi:
  • Praveena N, “A Novel Design of Low Power & High Speed FinFET Based Binary and Ternary SRAM and 4*4 Array”, IETE Journal of research, May 2023, doi:
  • Sheetal Bagali and R. Sundaraguru, “Resource Allocation Optimization for Mitigating Multi-Jammer in Underwater Sensor Network," International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering, vol. 30, no. 2, 2023, doi:
  • Sheetal Bagali and R. Sundaraguru, “Distributed Resource Allocation Model with Presence of Multiple Jammer for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering, 30 , no. 2, 2023, doi:
  • Sasmita Mohapatra, “PCB Defect Detection using CNN-based Deep Learning” , 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing for Security Applications - ICSCS 2023 (Springer Conference)/ Springer/ Dhiraj lal Gandhi College of Technology, Salem, Tamilnadu, India, April 2023.


  • Sasmita Mohaptra “A Survey on Ultrawideband high directive low profile antenna”, IEEE International Conference on "Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems, Sairam Engineering College, Chennai, December 2022.
  • Sheetal Bagali, “IR Wireless Underwater Communication System”, International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication System, Vol. 10, Issue 6, pp. 5-8, July 2022- Web of science.
  • Sasmita Mohapatra, “Implementation of Smart Pole Universal Battery Charging System Using Solar Power and IOT”, International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication System, Vol. 10, Issue 6, pp. 1-4, July 2022- Web of science.
  • Vani B P , “Facial Expression Recognition using Convolutional Neural Network” , International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication System, Vol. 10, Issue 6, pp. 9-14, July 2022- Web of science.
  • Sasmita Mohapatra , “A Smart Women Protection System using IoT" , Springer Nature Singapore pte ltd, Data Intelligence and cognitive Informatics, Algorithms for Intelligent Systems. March 2022 page no.459-464.- Scopus Indexed
  • Sasmita Mohapatra , “Antipodal Vivaldi Antennas Arranged in Circular array for RADAR” , Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Smart Antennas, EAI/Springer innovation in Communication and Computing. March 2022, page no.405-409.- Scopus Indexed
  • Phanindar Ravi P , “Easily Trainable Neural Network Using Transfer Learning” , International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) , Volume 09 ,Issue 01, Jan 2022, page no.622-627.- UGC


  • R Sundaraguru , Phanindar Ravi P , “Touch Free Finger Sensing using Laser Light for Keys and Keyboards” , Psychology and Education, ISSN: 00333077, 58(1): 3404-3409, January -2021 - Scopus Indexed.
  • R Sundaraguru , Phanindar Ravi P , “Touch Free Finger Sensing using Laser Light for Keys and Keyboards” , Psychology and Education, ISSN: 00333077, 58(1): 3404-3409, January -2021 - Scopus Indexed.
  • Sheetal Bagali , Dr. R Sundaraguru , “Efficient Resource Allocation Design for Mitigating Multi Jammer in Underwater Wireless Sensor Network” , EAI Endorsed Transactions on IoT Volume 6, Issue 24 February 2021- UGC Approved
  • Naveen I. G , “ Soldier Tracking and Health Monitoring System” , Journal of Xidian University, ISSN No:1001-2400, Volume 15, Issue 8, , August 2021. UGC Approved.
  • Naveen I. G, “ Smart Ration Card And Ration Distribution System Using Rfid Card And Iot”, Journal of Xidian University, ISSN No:1001-2400, Volume 15, Issue 8,, August 2021. UGC Approved. Poongothai C,” Enhancing the performance of low power wide area network using narrow band Internet of Things.”, Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, ISSN: 2651-4451. UGC Approved.
  • Naveen I. G, “ Design of Low Power ADC using Capacitor Switching technique” , Journal of Chengdu University of Technology. Volume 26, Issue 8 , ISSN-NO- 1671-9727, August – 2021. UGC Approved.
  • Dr. Naveen I. G Shashibhushan, R Nataraja , “ Automation of Smart Fire Extinguisher Using Internet of Things (IoT)”, Journal of Chengdu University of Technology. Volume 26, Issue 8, ISSN-NO- 1671-27, August – 2021. UGC Approved.
  • Dr. Naveen I G,“ IoT Based Safety Control and Bike Analyzer.”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM) Volume: 05 Issue: 12 , ISSN: 2582-3930, Dec – 2021. UGC Approved.
  • Phanindar Ravi P,“ Easily Trainable Neural Network Using Transfer Learning”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) , Volume 09 ,Issue 01, Jan 2022, UGC Approved. Sheetal B, “Resource Allocation Optimization for Mitigating Multi -Jammer in U-WSN”, Turkish Journal of Electronics engineering and Computer Science.DoI: 10.3906/elk-, December 2021. UGC Approved.


  • Vijayashri V.B, Dr R Sundaraguru, “Performance evaluation of laser based FSO communication system in turbulent atmosphere” IJATCSE, 9, ISSN- 2278-3091, August -2020 - Scopus Indexed.
  • Naveen I G, “Cartesian FDM additive manufacturing smart machine”, CEJ, ISSN: 0898- 3577, June 2020,UGC Approved.
  • Naveen I G, “Comparative analysis of client server-based protocol Implementation using packet tracer”, Journal of Seybold report, Vol: 15, issue 7, ISSN no: 1533-9211, August 2020, UGC Approved.
  • Vijayashri V.B, Dr R Sundaraguru, “Weak to strong atmospheric turbulence analysis in free space optical communication and mitigation using M-Array QAM” IEEE XPLORE, CONECCT, September 2020 - Scopus Indexed.
  • Sasmita Mohapatra, “Array of Vivaldi antenna arranged in circular fashion for MTI radar”, vol 14, issue 8, ISSN: 1001-2400, Journal of Xidian University, September 2020 - Scopus Indexed.
  • Dr R Sundaraguru, “Performance analysis of PVDF type piezo electric pressure sensor”, Manufacturing Technology Today, Vol.19, no. 10, ISSN: 0972-7396, October 2020 - Scopus Indexed.
  • R Sundaraguru, “Vehicle collision and avoidance in a vehicular ad-hoc network using v2i protocol”, European journal of molecular & clinical medicine, ISSN 2515-8260, October2020 - Scopus Indexed.
  • R Sundaraguru,“ Performance of Automatic Smart Irrigation System Using GSM”, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, October2020 - Scopus Indexed.
  • R Sundaraguru,“ IOT based wireless sensors for environmental monitor and alerts”, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, October2020 - Scopus Indexed.
  • R Sundaraguru,“ Energy Efficient and Secure Design for Wireless Sensor Networks Using Network Simulator”, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, October2020 - Scopus Indexed.
  • R Sundaraguru, “A novel approach for design and implementation of energy efficient wireless sensor networks using network simulator”, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, October 2020 - Scopus Indexed.
  • R Sundaraguru,” Moving multi object detection and tracking in video”, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, October 2020 - Scopus Indexed.
  • R Sundaraguru. “Device to device communication-based energy-optimized retransmission method for efficient multicast in wireless cellular network”, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, October 2020 - Scopus Indexed.
  • Dr R Sundaraguru, “Smart access by novel based ai system”, RTEICT-2020, IEEE XPLORE November 12th & 13th 2020 - Scopus Indexed.
  • Dr Supriya V. G,” Comparative Study of Person Identification Techniques Using Machine Learning Algorithm”, JHUST Vol-50, Issue 5, ISSN -1671-4512, December 2020 - UGC Approved
  • SheetalBagali, Dr R Sundaraguru, “Maximize resource utilization-based channel access modelwith presence of reactive jammer for underwaterwireless sensornetwork”, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, June -2020, Scopus Indexed
  • SheetalBagali, Dr R Sundaraguru, “Efficient Channel Access Model for Detecting Reactive Jamming for Underwater Wireless Sensor Network” Journal of sociobiology, March -2020, IEEE Explorer.
  • Shashibhushan G,”Multi objective PSO based Torque ripple minimization and improving speed response of Solar Fed 11, 9 and 3 level multilevel inverter based vector control induction motor”,IJPEDSVolume 10 NO2, June 2020- Scopus Indexed


  • Phanindar Ravi, “The New 5G Radio Access Technology Overview” IJESR – May 2019, ISSN 2277-2685, UGC Approved
  • Seema S, “Smart Trash Detection and Classification”, IJESR – May 2019, ISSN 2277-2685, UGC Approved
  • Naveen I G, “Design of Power Efficient Amplifier" Using 1UM and 180 nM Technology IJESR – May 2019, ISSN 2277-2685, UGC Approved
  • Naveen I G, “ECC for NAND Flash Memory using BCH Encoder and Decoder” IJESR – May 2019, ISSN 2277-2685, UGC Approved
  • Naveen I G, “Automatic Weed and Crop Classification with Herbicides or Pesticides Sprayer-Bot” IJESR – June 2019, ISSN 2277-2685, UGC Approved
  • Praveena N,” Design Of A Delta Threshold Voltage Difference Based Fully Embedded Read Only Memory Along With A Skew Sense Amplifier”, RTEICT-2019, IEEE Digital Library
  • Shashibhushan G, ”Starting Torques and Torque ripple reduction using SVPWM Based vector control of induction motor with nine level cascaded multilevel inverter fed with solar PV power”, IJPEDS, Volume 10 NO2, June 2019-Scopus Indexed
  • Seema S, ”Routing Protocol for Underwater wireless sensor networks: A survey”, IJITEE, ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume – X, Issue- X –March 2019, Scopus Indexed
  • Dr R Sundaraguru, “Agriculture field monitor and auto control over wireless network IOT” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, August – 2019, Scopus Indexed
  • Vani B P, Dr R Sundaraguru, “Insights on significant implication on research approach for enhancing 5G network system” Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, September – 2019, Scopus Indexed
  • Dr R Sundaraguru,< strong> “Centralized street light energy control and monitoring system over IOT” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, September – 2019, Scopus Indexed
  • Dr R Sundaraguru, “Wearable wireless sensor system with RF remote activation for Industrial Applications” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, September – 2019, Scopus Indexed
  • Vani B P, Dr R Sundaraguru “Novel Novel Analytical Model for Resource Allocation Over Cognitive Radio in 5G Network” Journal of Advances in intelligent systems and computing, September – 2019, Springer Nature 2019
  • Dr R Sundaraguru, “ATM crime prevention and theft detection model by wireless technologies RFID and GSM” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, November – 2019, Scopus Indexed
  • Dr R Sundaraguru, “Emerging vistas of Remote sensing tools in pollution studies” Journal of sociobiology, December – 2019, Scopus Indexed
  • Naveen I G, “Design of 12 Bit SAR ADC using Split Capacitor based DAC architecture at 45 nm CMOS technology” IJITEE – December2019, Scopus Indexed
  • Vani B P, Dr R Sundaraguru “Novel Analytical Framework For Harnessing Cognitive Radio Resources Optimization In 5G Networks” IJITEE – December 2019, Scopus Indexed


  • Praveena N,” A survey of CNTFET as a Major replacement in memory technology compared to CMOSFETs”, IEEE_ICEECCOT-2018, IEEE Digital Library
  • Praveena N,”Design of Ternary SRAM cell based on level shift ternary Inverter”,ICERCT – 2018, Springer 2018


  • Naveen I G,” Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle for Surveillance and Marine Study”, IEEE_ICEECCOT-2017, IEEE Digital Library


  • Naveen I G,” Design and Simulation of 10-bit SAR ADC for Low power Application using 180nm Technology”, IEEE_ICEECCOT-2016, IEEE Digital Library

Name of the Project Name of the Investigator Date Amount Sanctioned Duration of the project Name of the Funding Agency
Design and Fabricate Low Profile Ultrawide Band Multibeam Array Antennas for UAV and RADAR Applications Dr. Sasmita Mohapatra 12-05-2023 10 Lakhs 2 years Visvesvaraya Technological University
Unique Biometric Identification System for Multiple Applications Dr. V. G. Supriya, Dr. G R Kavita 2019-20 2,10,000 2 years Vishwajyothi Technologies
Parking Automation of a large facility like Residential Blocks, Shopping Mall, College campus Etc. Dr. Kavita G R, Dr. V. G. Supriya 2019-20 2,00,000 2 years CBK InfoTech (P) LTD
Designing a IoT based Toolkit for Industrial Automation Dr. R. Sundaraguru, Dr. P Vijaykarthic 2019-20 2,00,000 2 years Power Health Technologies

The Research Center at Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering is recognized by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi. The Centre focuses on domains such as Wireless Communication, Wireless Sensor Networks, Image Processing and Cryptography, Image and Signal Processing, Communication, Antenna Designing, RF & Microwaves, Computer Networking Speech Processing. The Research facilities help students and faculty to involve in Research and pursue Ph.D. and M.Sc. Engineering programmes.

List of Research Guides and their Specialization
Sl.No. Name of the Research Guide VTU Research ID Area of Specialization of the Research Guide Number of Research Scholars Details of Ph.D. Guidance to other Universities Research Scholars
1 Dr. R Sundaraguru VTU0817442 Wireless Communication, Wireless Sensor Networks, Image and Signal Processing, IOT, Embedded Systems. 3 Nil
2 Dr. Supriya V G VTU09175196 Image Processing and Cryptography 1 Nil
3 Dr. Sasmita Mohapatra VTU10196104 Communication, Antenna Designing, RF & Microwaves, Computer Networking 1 Nil
4 Dr. Suma Swamy VTU0817538 Speech Processing, Data Mining, Big Data, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, IoT Algorithms and Database Management Systems 1 Nil
   Research Scholars Details
Sl.No. Name of the Research Scholar Name of Guide Title of the Research Research Area Status (Thesis Submitted/ Viva Voce/ Course Work Completed)
1 Naveen I G Dr. Savita Sonoli Design of Low Power, High Speed ADC at Submicron level. VLSI Awarded
2 Shashibhushan G Dr. Savita Sonoli Multilevel inverter analysis for induction motor Power Electronics Awarded
3 Sheetal Bagali Dr. R Sundaraguru Performance Analysis of Underwater Communication in Multi User Environment Underwater Sensor Network Awarded
4 Vani B P Dr. R Sundaraguru Novel Frame Work Of Cognitive Radio Network for Efficient Network Resource Management In 5G Communication IOT, 5G Communication Awarded
5 Ahmed Zeeshan Dr. R Sundaraguru  A Novel Approach For Design And Implementation Of Energy Efficiency And Providing Security For Wireless Sensor Networks Wireless Sensor Network Awarded
6 R Nataraja Dr. R Sundaraguru Development of Biosensor for detection of Abuse drugs Bio Sensor for Narcotics Course work completed
7 Vijayashri  V B Dr. R Sundaraguru ----- Wireless Communication (FOS) Open Seminar 1 Completed
8 Shriya Shankar Dr. R Sundaraguru Efficient Copy Move Image Forgery Detection Algorithm for Authencity of Digital Images in Social Media Cyber Security Coursework Ongoing
9 Dilip Dr. Supriya V. G. Person Detection and Tracking in Video with Metadata Image Processing Comprehensive Viva and open seminar 1 completed
10 Shilpa V. Dr. Sasmita Mohapatra Design and Analysis of Ultra Wide Band High Directive Low Profile Antenna RF & Antennas Course work completed
11 Subhra Chakraborty Dr. Suma Swamy Reliability Enhancement of EEG-based BCI system using Augriented Feature Extraction méthod for patient with neuromuscular disorders" Brain Computer Interface Course work completed
  Research Facilities-Major Equipments/Softwares/Facilities available in the Research Centre
Sl.No. Equipment/ Software/ Facility  available Utility Area/Purpose
1 Spectrum Analyzer RF and antenna design, Wireless communication
2 Digital Oscilloscope RF and antenna design, Wireless communication
3 Microwave Klystron Testbench RF and antenna design, Wireless communication
4 Antenna Setup RF and antenna design, Wireless communication
5 OFT Kit RF and antenna design, Wireless communication
6 Microstrip Testbench RF and antenna design, Wireless communication
7 Matlab Signal and Image Processing
8 Cadence VLSI Design

Memorandum of Understanding has been entered with Government Tool Room and Training Centre, Bengaluru on 02-12-2022.

Programme Outcomes
  • PO1: Engineering Knowledge: Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • PO2: Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
  • PO3: Design/ Development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal and environmental considerations.
  • PO4: Conduct investigations of complex: Problems using research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions.
  • PO5: Modern Tool Usage: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an under- standing of the limitations.
  • PO6: The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice.
  • PO7: Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development.
  • PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.
  • PO9: Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings.
  • PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations and give and receive clear instructions.
  • PO11: Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles and apply these to owners own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • PO12: Life-long Learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

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