The Department of Mathematics established in the year 1986 and currently headed by Prof. Dr.S.Sreelakshmi. Over the years the department has evolved into a team of nine well qualified, experienced faculty members comprising two doctorate holders and three pursuing Ph.D. programme. As a result of its continuous, sincere and result oriented efforts as a team, the department has been witnessing excellent results consistently and every year a good number of students are scoring cent percent. The Department of Mathematics is mainly involved in teaching activities for UG / PG Programmes. Faculty members are actively engaged in research work and have published more than 40 papers in various National/ International conferences and refereed journals and also authored various textbooks on Engineering Mathematics and Indian mathematics and astronomy. The Department of Mathematics is a recognized VTU Research Centre for the Ph.D. programme.
- To achieve academic excellence in Mathematics thus enabling students to have enhanced opportunities in the field of Mathematics and Engineering.
- To provide the students with a strong Mathematical foundation which meets the requirement in the field of industry, research and higher education.
- To provide a degree course suitable for students enabling them to apply the concepts of mathematics to students.
- To prepare students for further study and in preparing successful career in industry and R&D organization.
- To provide students with knowledge of mathematics and in preparing successful career in industry and R&D organization.
Name |
Qualification |
Designation |
Dr. S.Sreelakshmi | M.Sc., Ph.D. | Professor & HOD |
Ms. S. Uma | M.Sc. | Associate Professor |
Dr. Chaya T.Y. | M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. | Assistant Professor |
Mr. Aravind P.N. | M.Sc. | Assistant Professor |
Ms. Shuba R.N | M.Sc.(Ph.D.) | Assistant Professor |
Ms. Malashri S. | M.Sc. | Assistant Professor |
Ms. Chetana M.B. | M.Sc., Ph.D. | Assistant Professor |
Ms. Vasudha D.K. | M.Sc., Ph.D. | Assistant Professor |
Ms. Thanuja C.T. | M.Sc. | Assistant Professor |
Ms. Deepthi S. | M.Sc. | Assistant Professor |
Mrs LATHA Y L | M.Sc., Ph.D. | Assistant Professor |
Ms JANANI P | M.Sc. | Assistant Professor |
Ms Niveditha C N | M.Sc. | Assistant Professor |
Mr. Harish K C | M.Sc. | Assistant Professor |
- The Department of Mathematics is a recognized VTU Research Centre for the Ph.D programme.
- Many scholars are engaged in research, leading to Ph.D, Degrees.
- Three faculty members are pursuing Ph.D. at present.
- The department has produced excellent results consistently and every year a good number of students are scoring cent percent.
- The faculty members of the department are actively involved in various research activities such as guiding research scholars, publishing papers, executing funded projects, arranging and attending conferences and workshops.
- The faculty members of the Department are actively engaged in research work and have published more than 50 papers in various National/International conferences and refereed journals
- Faculty members have authored various textbooks on Engineering Mathematics and Indian mathematics and astronomy
Dr. Gangadharaiah Y.H authored two books published recently.
Research Publications
- K Rupa, S K Uma, Padmaja Venugopal , S Balachandra Rao, “REFERENCES TO “PARALLEL ASPECTS" IN INDIAN ASTRONOMY AND INSCRIPTIONS” Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, (JAHH)26(2), 400–404 (2023). VOLUME 26 JUNE 2023DOI :
- Padmaja Venugopal , K Rupa, S K Uma, S Balachandra Rao, “THE EQUATION OF THE CONJUNCTION (ŚĪGHRAPHALA) OF THE PLANETS IN CLASSICAL INDIAN ASTRONOMY” Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, (JAHH)26(3), 637–658 (2023) VOLUME 26 October 2023 DOIDOI:
- Uma S K published a paper on “References To ‘Parallel Phenomenon’ In Indian Astronomy and Inscriptions” 26(2), 400–404 ISSN: 1440-2807 | Scopus Impact Factor (2022): 0.94 in JUNE 2023
- Chaya T Y published a paper on “Deep Learning for Image Improvement in Low Light” e-ISSN: 2320-9801, p-ISSN: 2320-9798 Impact Factor: 8.379 Volume 11, Issue 7DOI: .15680/IJIRCCE.2023.1107013 in July 2023
- Aravind P N published a paper on “Enhancing Learning with API Integration Using ReactJS :Building Powerful Educational Solutions” e-ISSN:2319-8753,p-ISSN:2320-6710 IMPACT Factor:8.423Volume 12,Issue 7DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2023.12070038 in July 2023
- Ms Malashri S published a paper on “Customized Resource Developer Using Amazon S3” ISSN:2582-7219 www.ijmrset.comIMPACT Factor:7.54Volume 6,Issue 7 in July 2023
- Uma S K published a paper on “IMPORTANCE OF BHĀSKARA’S KARAṆAKUTŪHALA AS AN ALGORITHMIC HANDBOOK” ISSN 1440-2807Impact facor 0.94Scopus and Web of Science – ESCI With quartile Q1 VOLUME 25 NUMBER 4 DECEMBER 2022
- Uma S K published a paper on “Indian astronomical tables – a study with special reference to Makarandasārinī” CURRENT SCIENCE vol. 122, no. 4, 25, p.402-403 Feb 2022
- Uma S K published a paper on “A Comparative Study of Pratibhāgi Gaṇitam and Tyāgarti Manuscript Grahagaṇita-Padakāni “ Samīkşikā Series-16, History and Development of Mathematics in India, National Mission for Manuscripts,IGNCA,New Delhi-110001 ISBN:978-93-80829-70-8 p. 17-32
- Uma S K published a paper on “Gaṇakānanda-Indian Astronomical Table” Samīkşikā Series-16, History and Development of Mathematics in India, National Mission for Manuscripts,IGNCA,New Delhi-110001 ISBN:978-93-80829-70-8, p. 57-72
- Uma S K published a paper on “MAKARANDASᾹRIṆῙ- Some Special Features” Samīkşikā Series-16, History and Development of Mathematics in India, National Mission for Manuscripts,IGNCA,New Delhi-110001 ISBN:978-93-80829-70-8 p. 101-134
International Journals:
- Uma S K; Venugopal, Padmaja; Rupa, K and Rao, S Balachandra, Diameters (Bimbas) of the Sun, Moon And Earth’s Shadow-Cone in Indian Astronomical Texts, with special reference to the Makarandasāriṇῑ And the Gaṇakānanda , JAHH, Heritage, 24(2), 159–169 (2021).
- T. Y, et al. Double –diffusive penetrative convection in a fluid overlying a porous layer, International Journal Of Transportation Science and Technology (volume 9, Issue 1, Paper No. 090103), 12th Nov, 2021.
- T. Y, et al. Linear And Non-Linear Gravity Field Variation On Double Diffusive Convection In A Porous Layer, LNME (Springer), June,2021.
- Chaya .T. Y, et al. Combined Impact Of Internal Heating And Variable Viscosity On The Onset Of Benard - Marangoni Double Diffusive Convection In A Binary Fluid Layer,IJMPERD, ISSN (P): 2249–6890, ISSN (E): 2249–8001, 2nd, Apr 2020.
- T. Y, et al. Bernard-Marangoni Penetrative Double Diffusive Convection in a Binary Fluid Layer with Variable Viscosity, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development , Vol.10,2,2020,385-396,(Scopus Indexed Journal ).
- Gangadharaiah Y.H et al. Marangoni Convection in Superposed Fluid and Anisotropic Porous Layers with Throughflow. Malaya Journal of Matematik vol.8, 3, 845-851,2020, (UGC Approved Journal).
- Gangadharaiah Y.H and Ananda K. Influence of viscosity variation on surface driven convection in a composite layer with a boundary slab of finite thickness and finite thermal conductivity. JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. vol.4, 2, 2020 (Scopus Indexed Journal).
- Gangadharaiah Y.H et al. Effects of Variable Internal Heat Source and Variable Gravity Field on Convection in a Porous Layer. Malaya Journal of Matematik8, 3, 2020(UGC ApprovedJournal).
- Gangadharaiah Y.H and Chaya T.Y. Combined Impact of Internal Heating and Variable Viscosity on the onset of Bernard-Marangoni Double Diffusive Convection in a Binary Fluid Layer. International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development Vol. 10, 2, 2020, 385-396,(Scopus Indexed Journal).
- Gangadharaiah Y.H et al. Combined impact of Variable Internal Heat Source and Variable Viscosity on the onset of Convective Motion in a Porous Layer. Malaya Journal of Matematik vol.8, 3,2020, (UGC Approved Journal).
- K. Uma et al. The Concepts of Deśāntara and Yojana in Indian Astronomy, Journal of Astronomical History and Heritate , 22(3), 401-406 (2019)
- Gangadharaiah Y.H has authored a text book titled - Mathematical Modelling & Engineering Problem Solving, Advance Academic Publisher-2019 ISBN: 978-93-87396-21-0
- Gangadharaiah Y.H has authored a text book titled - Engineering Mathematics-2 vol-1, Educreartion Publication india-2019, ISBN: 989-35-3731-20-5
- Gangadharaiah Y.H. has authored a text book titled - Engineering Mathematics-4 vol-1, Educreartion Publication india-2019,ISBN: 978-93-89534-87-9
- Gangadharaiah Y.H and Ananda K. Bounds on Rayleigh-Benard-Marangoni convection in a composite layer with conducting plates, International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology 4, 9, 2019.
- K. Uma et al. Ahargana according to Makarandasāriņī and other Indian Astronomical Texts. Indian Journal Of Hostory of Science, 53 (1), pp 16-32 I.N.S.A. New Delhi 2018
- K. Uma et al. Solar Ingress (Sankrānti) According to Makarandasāriņī And Other Indian Astronomical texts, Journal of Astronomical History and Heritate 21 (2 and 3), 202-210 (2018)
- Gangadharaiah Y.H. Effect of Cross Diffusion on the Onset of Double Diffusive Marangoni Convection in a Fluid Layer. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Mechanics & Computational Fluid Dynamics, 4 (3), 2018 (UGC Approved Journal).
- Gangadharaiah Y.H and Ananda K. Influence of Vertical Magnetic Field on the Onset of Rayleigh-Benard-Marangoni Convection in Superposed fluid and Porous Layers with Deformable Free Surface International Journal of Scientific Research in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences,5(5), 2018 (UGC Approved Journal).
- Gangadharaiah Y.H and Ananda K. Effects of Temperature dependent viscosity on Penetrative Convection in a Fluid Layer Bounded by Slabs of Finite Thermal Conductivity and Finite Thickness, International Journal of Scientific Research in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Vol.5 (5), 2018 (UGC Approved Journal).
- Gangadharaiah Y.H has authored a text book titled - Engineering Mathematics-1 vol-1, S.Chand Publication Delhi-2017, ISBN: 978-93-52830-70-1
- Gangadharaiah Y.H. has authored a text book titled - Engineering Mathematics-3 vol-1, S.Chand Publication Delhi-2017, ISBN: 978-93-52534-64-7
- Gangadharaiah Y.H Onset of Darcy–Benard Penetrative Convection in Porous Media, International Journal of Applied fluid mechanics. Vol.10(2), 2017. (Scopus & web of science Indexed Journal).
- Gangadharaiah Y.H Combined Effect of Magnetic field and Internal Heat Generation on the Onset of Marangoni Convection. International Journal of Fluid Mechanics & Thermal Sciences. Vol.3(4), 2017.
- Gangadharaiah Y.H Influence of Throughflow Effects Combined with Internal Heating on the Onset of Convection in a Fluid Layer. Journal of Advanced Mathematics and Applications. Vol.6 (3), 1-7 (2017).
- Gangadharaiah Y.H Review of Mathematical Approach to Engineering Problems. American Journal of Computer Science and Applications. Vol.6 (3), 1-3 (2017).
- Gangadharaiah Y.H. Onset of Benard–Marangoni Convection in a Composite Layer with Anisotropic Porous Material , International Journal of Applied fluid mechanics. 3 (9), 2016. (Scopus & web of science Indexed Journal).
- Gangadharaiah Y.H and Ananda K. Applications of Laplace Transforms in Engineering and Economics. International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, Vol 3 (1), 2016.
Principal Investigator: Dr. S. K. Uma
Title of Project |
Name of Funding Agency |
Date of Sanction |
Amount Sanctioned |
Status Ongoing/ Completed |
English Exposition, A Critical Analysis and Comparison with Other Indian Astronomical Tables | INSA | November 2015-2018 | 5.25 lakhs | Completed in 2018 |
“Tithicintāmaṇi of Ganeśa Daivajña – Translation and Mathematical Analysis” | INSA | August 2019 | 2.5 lakhs | On going |
Sl.No. | Name of the Research Guide | VTU Research ID | Area of Specialization of the Research Guide | Number of Research Scholars | Details of Ph.D. Guidance to other Universities Research Scholars |
1 | Dr. S.K Uma | 012021RSMA000543 | Computational Astronomy | 01 | -- |
Sl.No. | Name of the Research Scholar | Name of Guide | Title of the Research | Research Area | Status (Thesis Submitted/ Viva Voce/ Course Work Completed) |
1 | Shuba R.N | Dr. Jayalakshmma D.V | Nano Fluid flow in Different Geometries | Fluid Mechanics | Comphrensive Viva Voce Completed |
2 | Chetana M.B | Dr. S.K Uma | Mathematical Analysis of Indian Astronomical Tables | Astronomical Tables | Comphrensive Viva Voce Completed |
3 | Vasudha D.K | Dr. Sreekala C.K | Theoretical Analysis of Slip Velocity and non newtonian fluid effect on lubrication of bearings | Computational Fluid Dynamics | Doing Course work |
Programme Outcomes
- PO1: Engineering Knowledge: Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
- PO2: Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
- PO3: Design/ Development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal and environmental considerations.
- PO4: Conduct investigations: of complex problems using research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions.
- PO5: Modern Tool Usage: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an under- standing of the limitations.
- PO6: The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice.
- PO7: Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development.
- PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.
- PO9: Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings.
- PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations and give and receive clear instructions.
- PO11: Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles and apply these to owners own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
- PO12: Life-long Learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.