I consider myself as fortunate as I got the opportunity to study at Sir MVIT. Highly committed professors taught us with great passion. High quality of teaching, excellent infrastructure, lively environment of college created everlasting memorable experience. Apart from technical skills, various soft skills training, and the opportunity to participate in “Kalanjali”, a college fest gave me exposure and enhanced my skills. It improved my way of thinking. My sincere thanks to Sir MVIT staff & management.
I am always happy and proud to say I am from sir MVIT and I got opportunity to train many people who passed out from IIT and IIM and various CEOs of the company. I came from small village of Uttarakannnada, Karnataka! Joining MVIT has given me an environment to learn. I have great memorable experience of wonderful staff who encouraged me in not only studies also in my stage performances and magic. I won Star of Kalanjali in the year 2001 which was one of wonderful moment. Also Prof. Gopinath Gargesha took various classes even at his residence beyond class hours, prof.Rakesh, Prof. Udaya Ravi, Prof. Triyambakamurthi, Prof. Nagaraj, Prof Ejaz Ahmad and many lecturers were so good. They taught us with full of passion and dedication. Also the quality of other students and friends are so good. It is always wonderful to remember days of MVIT. It has changed my life and helped me to grow professionally.College has really helped to learn and expand my way of thinking. I am always thankful for that.
— Counsellor TQM
Founder & CEO LearnEX consulting Pvt.Limited
President of Indian Society for Quality – Pune-chapter
SIR MVIT —Mechanical Engineering 2001 passed

“It is my pleasure to place on record the memories of wonderful years, I had learnt under the auspices of Civil Engineering Department at Sir M Visvesvaraya Institute of technology, Bangalore.College life is an important phase in student’s academic journey after the numerous formative years of schooling & human life race.
While undergoing graduation, I cherished he feeling of studying at a reputed institute, which focused on career enhancements along with overall skill development with the seamless mix of academics and extra-curricular activities.
The professors are dedicated experts in their respective subjects and are talented, committed and genuinely caring.
I would always be grateful to SMVIT College for giving me a multi-dimensional learning by providing the apt mix of academics, industry exposure and leadership.
SMVIT College made me focused and experiences gained during 4 years have contributed to my professional growth as well in later years.
Institute has nurtured my aspirations and laid the foundations to realize those aspirations. The peer group at SMVIT was intellectually stimulating, and with some, I have made friends for life
It is SMVIT College days learning, which is helping me in serving today as corporate professional.
Looking back, I cherish memories, very good nature as well as behavior displayed by professors. Thanks to all of them for their goodness.
The assets that I have gained from here will always remind me of the moments I spent here with ‘fun & learn ‘theme, also I am sure with the first step taken at SMVIT, Bangalore. I will reach at the top of the stairs of success which is no doubt an endless journey and all the knowledge and experience acquired, I am encashing at my workplace in terms of appreciation, respect, self-confidence and above all self-satisfaction. What else a fresher like me will look for?
I am still in touch with the roots, I mean professors of Civil Engineering Department of SMVIT & getting very good human gestures as well as co-operations.
Today, I miss the beautiful campus with even beautiful souls and the memories so created will remain enchanted beyond any time frame.
My best wishes to everyone who has been associated with my memorable journey in the past 2 years.
I will always remain indebted towards Sir MVIT Bangalore as well as all professors along with management for embedding all the colors of student life in an indelible corporate learning for me.”
— Er Satish Kumar Tanvar B. E Civil Engineering & PGCBMXLRI, Jamshedpur
Head – Regions Technical services, Ultratech Cement Ltd (Aditya Birla Group)
Former Chairman Indian Concrete Institute -Rajasthan State Centre
Former Honorary Secretary-Indian Concrete Institute – Punjab Patiala Centre
Former Vice Chairman – Indian Building Congress Jaipur Chapter

for the values and guidance that they instilled in me that will remain with me throughout my professional career.
Doctoral Candidate,
Texas A&M University

There are two kinds of educational institutions in the world – those that merely impart knowledge, and those that holistically develop their students for success in the global marketplace. I was fortunate to be part of the second kind at Sir MVIT’s Civil Engineering Department. This was made possible in large part by an emphasis on the development of critical-thinking skills, hands-on learning methods and learning-through-discovery rather than by rote. Of course, none of this would have been possible without their top-class educators and state-of-the-art lab facilities.
Sir MVIT’s Civil Department not only taught me to design foundations of buildings, but developed in me the foundations of success. I owe so much to them and I wish continued success as they invest in the future of our country and the world.
M.S. Construction Management, Michigan State University. B.E. Civil Engineering, Sir MVIT

“The four years of Engineering life in MVIT has truly been a great adventure. They are not just memories that we take from this college, in fact it’s much more than that. The bonds between friends and the teachers will always occupy a close place in our hearts. From being strangers on the 1st day of college to becoming close friends was possible due to the opportunities provided to us. The learning exposure here has contributed s significantly in our development not just in the academic excellence but also as a human being. The teachers here are quite knowledgeable and will always be there to help you in any obstacle in life.
The sports and canteen facilities are excellent and has never failed to bring everyone together.
There are many cultural and sports events that allow you showcase your talents giving you a versatile environment . In addition, it provides a peaceful atmosphere to learn with the greenery of the trees with the freshness in the air .”

It is a great privilege for me to be an alumnus of Sir. M. Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology, Bengaluru. I am truly humbled with the alma mater, which helped me to continue onto post-graduation and doctoral studies with ease. I began my B.E. course unaware of what I wanted to pursue next. I really thank all the Professors of the Department of Civil Engineering for helping me to achieve excellence in engineering education, which allowed me to identify and pursue my interest in research, to learn something new, to hone my problem-solving skills and to challenge myself in new ways.
Furthermore, with an amazing and excellent Training & Placement Cell in place, I had 3 job offers during my final year. I really appreciate the placement team for enabling the students to establish as world-class professionals.

The strong foundations laid in Sir MVIT has had a phenomenal influence on my career and eventually shaping my personality. The teachersespecially in the Civil Engineering Department treated us more like friends and family, than with a mere student-teacher relationship. I reckon this relationship has continued to bolster even now, because of its strong fundamentals. The four years at Sir MVIT not only imparted the technical knowledge, but also built up our soft skills which in this global world is a key requirement. The opportunities provided to be part of various working groups exposed us to the world beyond the college boundaries and thus enabled us to learn from our experiences. Through the alumni interactions, I notice the continued effort teachers have been placing to make sure the students are nurtured with current updates and development aspects in the respective career choices – which is again a testament of the teachers’ caring attitude and the keenness to ensure better future for all. I am confident that Sir MVIT’s influence will continue to grow upon its pupils by instilling confidence and the ability to take on this world and achieve desired success.

“Creativity does not come in confinement”. This is followed in its true sense here as you are always welcome to put forth any ideas. Faculties in the department were truly like a family and through different engagement programs workshops, seminars, project work, etc. they sowed the seeds of which we are able to bear fruits now. In the industry there is a rat-race and these programs help us prepare in advance to tackle the challenges ahead.
I strongly recommend the college and program for its unmatched engagement packages.

The MCA department at MVIT helped me develop my skills, personality, and prepared me for the IT industry by providing me with a strong foundation in programming. The lab was always equipped with the latest technologies and we had plenty of opportunity and encouragement to practice skills right after the classes. But it wasn’t just the raw theoretical but also practical knowledge that helps me today. It is the ability to quickly adapt to new technologies and attack problems methodically. I thank my professors for teaching me that.
MVIT has a spacious sports complex, catering most of the outdoor sports, indoor games, and well equipped Gymnasium.
The faculty has domain expertise in a variety of fields and they were always willing to answer questions and give advice. They were excellent mentors when I was doing my final year project and publishing technical papers they guided me in every phase. I also learned a lot from my peers and my seniors. Being around so many intelligent and motivated people inspired me to think very big about what I wanted to do in my own life. Years after post-graduation, I still look back with fond memories of my postgraduate days and strongly recommend it to any prospective students considering a career in programming or research.

Sir MVIT has always been one of the top institutes in the country. The moment you step into the huge green campus, you get the feeling that you are in for something special. 4 years at this institute were some of the best times of my life. The faculty is extremely knowledgeable and approachable. The kind of opportunities we got during placements were on par with any top institute in India. The amenities available in the form of labs, equipment, library, sports facilities are all top-notch and help in providing a holistic development of the individual. Overall, I am proud to say I am an MVITian and would definitely recommend future engineers to come to the campus and see first hand.

I came from a tiny town literally with little or no exposure to a city like Bengaluru for the first time in 2008. The transition to this new life was huge and it was important for it to be smooth to progress in my career. I believe it was my good fortune to have landed in Sir MVIT. It couldn’t have been as smooth anywhere else.
Right from the first year of engineering, faculty, Seniors have been very helpful. I got opportunities to hone my skills and develop my personality by being part of college clubs like LEO, e-Cell, GAP, I-Siri, etc. These clubs helped me remove stage fright and build confidence.
My aptitudes were recognized and I received ample opportunities to present papers, represent the college in fests across the state. All these have shaped me into an all-round personality and have definitely helped in my Civil Services Preparation. I can say with confidence that the four years spent in Sir MVIT have played the biggest role in what I am today.